Teemu Paananen / Unsplash

Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank PowerPoint slide, wondering how to make a good PowerPoint that doesn’t just convey information, but truly captivates your audience? Trust me, you’re not alone. As someone who’s crafted more presentations than I can count (seriously, I lost track after university), I’ve learned a trick or nine on how to make a good PowerPoint presentation that stands out.

Back in my university days, every semester was a whirlwind of at least five seminars, each one demanding a unique presentation. Picture this: a young, eager student (yours truly) standing in front of a room full of expectant faces, hoping to dazzle them with both visual and substantive creativity. The stakes were high, but so was my enthusiasm!

Now, fast forward to today, where the virtual stage has become our primary platform. Whether you’re pitching to clients, leading a team meeting, or sharing your latest travel adventures, knowing the right PowerPoint tricks can make all the difference. And that’s exactly why I’m here—to share my top 9 PowerPoint presentation tips that will not only boost your slides but also boost your confidence.

So, grab your favorite cold summer drink, get comfy, and let’s dive into the world of PowerPoint magic together. Ready to transform those bland slides into a visual feast? Let’s get started!

Absolutely! Let’s get straight to the point. Here are my top 9 tricks to boost your PowerPoint presentation and make it truly unforgettable:

  1. Use high-quality visuals
  2. Keep slides uncluttered
  3. Utilize engaging templates
  4. Incorporate animations and transitions
  5. Highlight key points with contrasting colors
  6. Add interactive elements
  7. Use storytelling techniques
  8. Include multimedia
  9. Practice good timing

Now, let’s dive deeper into each of these tricks and explore how you can implement them to create a truly outstanding PowerPoint presentation.

public powerpoint presentation
Campaign Creators / Unsplash

How to make a good PowerPoint?

Creating an engaging and effective PowerPoint presentation is an art that combines creativity, clarity, and strategy. Whether you’re presenting in a virtual meeting or in front of a live audience, your slides need to capture attention, convey information clearly, and leave a lasting impression. Below, we’ll dive into each of the top 9 tricks to boost your PowerPoint presentation, starting with the importance of high-quality visuals.

1. Use high-quality visuals

One of the most critical aspects of how to make a good PowerPoint is incorporating high-quality visuals. This is not just about throwing in pretty pictures, but about using images that enhance your message and keep your audience engaged. High-resolution photos, clear charts, and impactful graphics can turn a mundane presentation into a visually appealing masterpiece.

When selecting images, opt for high-resolution ones that won’t pixelate when projected on a large screen. Websites like Unsplash and Pexels offer a wealth of free, high-quality photos that can be used in your presentations. Additionally, consider using vector graphics from sites like Freepik or icons from The Noun Project to maintain quality at any size.

Avoid stocky, clichéd images that don’t add value to your content. Instead, choose visuals that directly support your message. For example, if you’re discussing market trends, a well-designed infographic can convey complex data more clearly than a simple bullet point list.

Highlight key points with relevant visuals. If you’re talking about growth, use a growing plant or an upward arrow. This not only makes your slides more interesting but also helps your audience remember the information.

Tip: Make sure to maintain a consistent style throughout your presentation. If you start with clean, modern visuals, keep that style in all slides. Inconsistency can distract your audience and dilute your message.

In addition to static images, consider incorporating videos and GIFs where appropriate. Videos can be particularly effective for demonstrating products, showing interviews, or providing a dynamic background. Just ensure that any multimedia used is directly relevant and doesn’t overshadow your main points.

By carefully selecting and incorporating high-quality visuals, you can significantly enhance your PowerPoint presentation, making it not only more appealing but also more effective in communicating your message. This is one of the essential PowerPoint tricks that can transform your slides from bland to brilliant, making you stand out as a presenter who knows how to make a good PowerPoint presentation.

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Product school / Unsplash

2. Keep slides uncluttered

A crucial aspect of how to make a good PowerPoint presentation is maintaining an uncluttered, clean slide design. Cluttered slides filled with excessive text, multiple images, and various fonts can overwhelm your audience and obscure your message. The goal is to simplify your slides so that each one conveys a single, clear idea, making it easy for your audience to follow along and absorb the information.

Start by limiting the amount of text on each slide. Use bullet points to highlight key points instead of lengthy paragraphs. Aim for a maximum of 5-6 bullet points per slide, each with just a few words. This approach not only makes your slides more readable but also encourages you to speak more about the topic rather than just reading off the slide. Visual hierarchy is essential; make sure that the most critical information is the most prominent. Use larger fonts or bolder colors for headlines and key points.

Whitespace is your friend. Don’t be afraid to leave empty space on your slides. This whitespace helps to reduce visual noise and directs the viewer’s attention to the main elements of the slide. For instance, if you’re presenting a statistic, place the number in a large font with plenty of space around it, so it stands out.

Consistency is key to a clean presentation. Use the same font styles and sizes throughout your slides. Stick to a cohesive color scheme that complements your brand or topic. This uniformity helps to create a professional look and makes your presentation more visually appealing.

Avoid using too many animations and transitions. While these can add a dynamic element to your presentation, overusing them can be distracting. Instead, use simple, subtle transitions and animations that enhance your points without drawing attention away from the content.

Design your slides with your audience in mind. Think about what they need to see to understand your message quickly. If you’re presenting complex data, consider breaking it down over multiple slides rather than cramming everything onto one. Use charts and graphs to visualize data instead of long tables or lists.

By keeping your slides uncluttered, you ensure that your audience can focus on your message without being distracted by unnecessary elements. This is one of the most effective PowerPoint presentation tips for creating a presentation that is not only visually appealing but also easy to understand and follow. Employing these PowerPoint tricks will help you to stand out as a presenter who knows how to make a good PowerPoint that truly engages and informs your audience.

3. Utilize engaging templates

One of the most impactful ways to elevate your presentation is by utilizing engaging templates. Templates serve as the foundation of your slides, providing a consistent and visually appealing structure that can make your content more accessible and enjoyable to your audience. Knowing how to make a good PowerPoint involves selecting or creating templates that enhance your message rather than distract from it.

When choosing a template, consider the overall theme and purpose of your presentation. For instance, a business proposal might benefit from a sleek, professional template with clean lines and muted colors, while a creative project presentation might use bold, vibrant designs to reflect innovation and creativity. Platforms like Canva and SlideCarnival offer a wide range of free and premium templates that can suit various needs and aesthetics. Ensure the template you choose aligns with your brand’s identity or the presentation’s topic to maintain a cohesive look and feel throughout your slides.

Customize your template to fit your content. While pre-made templates can save time, they often need tweaking to perfectly align with your message. Adjust the color scheme to match your brand colors, change fonts to ones that are readable and professional, and modify the layout to highlight the most important elements of your slides. A consistent look can help your audience focus on your content rather than being distracted by changing styles.

Leverage slide masters to maintain consistency. Slide masters in PowerPoint allow you to set a uniform style for fonts, colors, and logos across all your slides. This ensures that every slide adheres to your chosen template without you needing to manually format each one. By using slide masters, you can save time and avoid the pitfalls of inconsistent slide design.

Incorporate visual elements like icons and infographics to make your slides more engaging. Templates often include placeholders for images and graphics; use these effectively by integrating visuals that support your narrative.

Infographics, for example, can simplify complex information and make data more digestible. Icons can break up text and add a visual cue that enhances understanding.

Remember to keep your template uncluttered and functional. An engaging template should be aesthetically pleasing without overshadowing your content. Avoid overly complex designs that might distract from your main points. Instead, aim for a balance where the template enhances the clarity and impact of your message.

By utilizing engaging templates, you can significantly improve the aesthetic and functional quality of your PowerPoint presentation. This is one of the essential PowerPoint tricks to make a good PowerPoint presentation that stands out.

By following these PowerPoint presentation tips, you ensure that your audience remains focused on your content, making your presentation both memorable and effective.

creating a powerpoint presentation
Slidebean / Unsplash

4. Incorporate animations and transitions

Incorporating animations and transitions is a powerful way to bring your PowerPoint presentation to life. These elements, when used thoughtfully, can enhance your narrative flow, emphasize key points, and keep your audience engaged. Understanding how to make a good PowerPoint presentation involves mastering the art of subtlety in animations and transitions, ensuring they add value rather than serve as a distraction.

Start by using animations to highlight important information. For example, animate key bullet points to appear sequentially as you discuss them, which can help maintain your audience’s focus on the point you are currently addressing. This technique prevents viewers from reading ahead and keeps them aligned with your verbal narrative. PowerPoint provides various animation options, such as fade-ins, zooms, and wipes. Choose animations that are smooth and professional; avoid overly complex or flashy effects that can look amateurish and distract from your message.

Transitions between slides can also enhance the flow of your presentation. Select transitions that match the tone and pace of your presentation. For a professional business presentation, subtle transitions like fade or push are ideal as they maintain a sleek, seamless flow. For more creative or dynamic presentations, you might consider slightly more noticeable transitions like morph or uncover, which can add a touch of flair without overwhelming the content.

Control the speed and timing of your animations and transitions to match the rhythm of your presentation. Too fast, and your audience may miss important points; too slow, and you risk losing their attention. Adjust the duration settings in PowerPoint to find the perfect balance. A good rule of thumb is to keep animations under a second and transitions just long enough to signal a change without creating a noticeable pause.

Use animations and transitions sparingly to maintain their impact. If every slide is packed with movement, the effect can become monotonous and distracting. Instead, use them strategically to emphasize critical points or to guide your audience through complex information. For instance, animating a diagram to build up layer by layer can help explain intricate concepts more clearly than presenting everything at once.

Interactive elements, such as clickable buttons or hyperlinks, can also be incorporated into your animations to create a more engaging experience. This is particularly useful for presentations meant to be navigated by the viewer, such as self-paced tutorials or online courses.

By thoughtfully incorporating animations and transitions, you can significantly enhance the engagement and effectiveness of your PowerPoint presentation. These PowerPoint tricks can transform static slides into a dynamic storytelling tool, keeping your audience attentive and involved. Employing these PowerPoint presentation tips ensures that you know how to make a good PowerPoint that is both visually captivating and functionally superior.

5. Highlight key points with contrasting colors

Highlighting key points with contrasting colors is a fundamental strategy in creating effective PowerPoint presentations. This technique not only draws attention to the most critical parts of your slides but also enhances readability and engagement. Knowing how to make a good PowerPoint involves skillfully using color contrasts to ensure your audience can quickly identify and focus on the main messages.

When selecting colors, start by choosing a primary color scheme that aligns with your brand or the theme of your presentation. Use a color wheel to find complementary colors that create a visually appealing contrast. For instance, if your primary color is blue, you might use orange or yellow for highlighting key points. This contrast helps important text or data stand out without clashing with the overall design of your slides.

Implement a consistent color code across your presentation. For example, use one color for headers, another for subheaders, and a third for key points or data highlights. This consistency helps your audience intuitively understand the hierarchy and significance of the information presented. For instance, if you use red to highlight critical statistics, your audience will learn to associate red with key data points throughout your presentation.

Utilize contrasting backgrounds and text colors to enhance readability. Dark text on a light background or light text on a dark background can significantly improve legibility. This is especially important for remote workers and digital nomads who may be viewing your presentation on different devices with varying screen quality. Make sure there is enough contrast between your text and background to prevent eye strain and ensure clarity.

Highlight key points with color boxes or shapes. Surrounding important text or figures with a colored box or shape can make them stand out even more. For example, if you have a crucial statistic, place it inside a brightly colored box that contrasts with your slide background. This technique draws the eye directly to the information you want to emphasize.

Avoid overusing bright colors, which can become overwhelming and reduce the overall impact. Reserve the brightest colors for the most critical points to maintain their effectiveness. Using too many bright colors throughout your slides can be distracting and reduce the professional appearance of your presentation.

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Jason Goodman / Unsplash

Incorporate color contrast in charts and graphs. Use different colors to distinguish between data sets or to highlight specific trends within your charts. This not only makes the data more accessible but also allows your audience to quickly grasp the key insights you are presenting. For example, if you are showing sales growth over time, use a bright color to highlight the most significant growth period compared to the rest of the timeline.

By strategically highlighting key points with contrasting colors, you can make your PowerPoint presentation more engaging and easier to follow. These PowerPoint tricks are essential for anyone looking to improve their presentation skills and make a lasting impression on their audience. Following these PowerPoint presentation tips will help you create slides that not only look good but also communicate your message effectively, demonstrating your expertise in how to make a good PowerPoint presentation.

6. Add interactive elements

Adding interactive elements to your PowerPoint presentation is a powerful way to engage your audience and make your content more dynamic and memorable. Interactive elements transform a static presentation into an interactive experience, encouraging audience participation and keeping their attention. Knowing how to make a good PowerPoint involves strategically incorporating these elements to enhance engagement without overwhelming your audience.

Interactive elements can range from hyperlinks and clickable buttons to embedded quizzes and interactive infographics. Hyperlinks and buttons allow you to create non-linear presentations where users can navigate to specific slides or external resources with a click. This is particularly useful for self-guided presentations or when you want to give your audience control over the order in which they view the content. For example, you might include a menu slide with buttons linking to different sections of your presentation, allowing viewers to choose which part they want to explore first.

Embedding quizzes or polls within your slides can also boost interactivity. Tools like Mentimeter or Poll Everywhere can be integrated into PowerPoint to create live polls that audience members can respond to in real-time using their devices. This not only makes your presentation more engaging but also provides valuable feedback and insights from your audience. For instance, you could start your presentation with a quick poll to gauge your audience’s knowledge of the topic and then tailor your content based on the results.

Interactive infographics and diagrams are another way to add interactivity. PowerPoint allows you to create clickable elements within infographics that reveal additional information when clicked. This can be particularly effective for complex data sets or processes, where breaking the information into manageable chunks can enhance understanding. For example, a sales funnel diagram could include clickable stages that display detailed descriptions or statistics for each stage when selected.

Multimedia elements like videos and animations can also increase interactivity. Embedding videos that play on click or using animated sequences that unfold with each click can make your presentation more engaging. Ensure that any multimedia used is directly relevant to your content and enhances your key points rather than distracting from them. For instance, a short video testimonial from a client can be more impactful than a text-based case study.

Consider using branching scenarios to create a choose-your-own-adventure style presentation. This technique is especially useful in training sessions or educational presentations, where you can present a scenario and allow the audience to choose from different paths, each leading to a different outcome or slide. This interactive approach can significantly enhance learning and retention by actively involving your audience in the content.

By incorporating interactive elements, you can create a PowerPoint presentation that is not only informative but also engaging and memorable. These PowerPoint tricks are essential for keeping your audience involved and interested throughout your presentation. Employing these PowerPoint presentation tips will help you master how to make a good PowerPoint that stands out and leaves a lasting impression.

7. Use storytelling techniques

Using storytelling techniques in your PowerPoint presentation is a powerful way to captivate your audience and make your message more memorable. Storytelling transforms your presentation from a mere data dump into a compelling narrative that engages emotions and fosters a deeper connection with your audience. Knowing how to make a good PowerPoint involves weaving your information into a story that resonates with your listeners.

Start by defining a clear structure for your presentation. Like any good story, your presentation should have a beginning, middle, and end. The beginning should introduce the topic and set the stage, the middle should delve into the main content, and the end should provide a conclusion or call to action. This structure helps guide your audience through your presentation in a logical and engaging way.

Begin with a strong hook to capture attention right from the start. This could be an interesting fact, a surprising statistic, a provocative question, or a personal anecdote. For example, if your presentation is about climate change, you might start with a striking visual of a melting glacier and a powerful statistic about rising sea levels. This immediately grabs attention and sets the tone for the rest of your presentation.

Develop a narrative arc that includes conflict and resolution. Identify the main problem or challenge your audience faces and then guide them through the process of overcoming it, culminating in a resolution. This technique makes your content more relatable and engaging. For instance, in a presentation about improving business processes, you could start by highlighting the inefficiencies and frustrations of current methods (conflict) and then introduce new strategies and tools that lead to improved efficiency and satisfaction (resolution).

Use characters and scenarios to make abstract concepts more concrete and relatable. People connect with stories about other people, so incorporating characters into your narrative can make your presentation more engaging. For example, in a sales training presentation, you could create a scenario involving a sales rep facing a tough client, then show how applying your techniques leads to a successful outcome.

Incorporate emotional elements to make your story more impactful. Emotions drive decisions and retention, so don’t shy away from evoking feelings such as excitement, curiosity, or concern. Use visuals, anecdotes, and tone of voice to connect with your audience on an emotional level. For example, sharing a success story of how your product helped a struggling small business can create an emotional connection that pure data cannot.

End with a strong conclusion that reinforces your main message and leaves a lasting impression. Summarize the key points, reiterate the benefits, and provide a clear call to action. For example, in a fundraising presentation, end with a compelling story of a person whose life was changed by the cause, and then make a direct appeal for support.

By integrating storytelling techniques, you can transform your PowerPoint presentation into a powerful tool for communication. These PowerPoint tricks will help you engage your audience on a deeper level and ensure that your message is both memorable and persuasive. Employing these PowerPoint presentation tips will show you how to make a good PowerPoint that not only informs but also inspires your audience.

how to make a good powerpoint presentation
Surface / Unsplash

8. Include multimedia

Including multimedia in your PowerPoint presentation is a dynamic way to enhance engagement and convey your message more effectively. Multimedia elements such as videos, audio clips, and interactive graphics can transform a static presentation into an immersive experience. Understanding how to make a good PowerPoint involves integrating these elements seamlessly to support and enhance your content.

Start by identifying where multimedia can add the most value. Videos are excellent for demonstrating concepts, showcasing products, or providing testimonials. For example, a short video clip of a customer using your product can be more persuasive than a static image or text description. Ensure the videos are high quality and directly relevant to your content. Embed them within your slides so they play smoothly without needing to switch between applications. Tools like YouTube and Vimeo allow you to embed videos directly into your PowerPoint, ensuring a seamless viewing experience.

Audio clips can also be powerful, especially for adding depth to storytelling or emphasizing key points. For instance, including an audio clip of a satisfied customer’s testimonial can add a personal touch and reinforce your message. Make sure the audio quality is clear and loud enough for your audience to hear comfortably. Incorporate background music subtly during transitions or low points in your presentation to maintain interest and set the tone.

Interactive graphics such as clickable maps, animated charts, and infographics can make complex information more digestible and engaging. For instance, instead of displaying a static map, use an interactive map where different regions reveal specific data points or stories when clicked. This not only makes your presentation more engaging but also allows your audience to interact with the content in a meaningful way.

Balance multimedia with other content to avoid overwhelming your audience. While multimedia can significantly enhance your presentation, overusing it can have the opposite effect, making your presentation cluttered and distracting. Use multimedia to highlight and explain key points, not as a substitute for substantive content. For example, a short video clip can effectively illustrate a concept, but it should be followed by a discussion or further explanation to reinforce the message.

Ensure technical compatibility and smooth playback of your multimedia elements. Test all videos, audio clips, and interactive graphics before your presentation to avoid any technical glitches. Ensure that your presentation device supports the multimedia formats you are using. This preparation is crucial, especially when presenting in different locations or using unfamiliar equipment.

Encourage audience interaction through multimedia. For example, use live polling or Q&A sessions during your presentation. Tools like Slido or Mentimeter can be integrated into PowerPoint to allow real-time audience interaction. This not only keeps your audience engaged but also provides instant feedback and insights.

By including multimedia elements in your presentation, you can create a more engaging and memorable experience for your audience. These PowerPoint tricks will help you enhance your presentation and make your key points more impactful. Following these PowerPoint presentation tips ensures that you know how to make a good PowerPoint that captivates and informs your audience effectively.

9. Practice good timing

Practicing good timing is a crucial aspect of how to make a good PowerPoint presentation. Effective timing ensures that your audience remains engaged, absorbs the information at a comfortable pace, and stays attentive throughout your presentation. Good timing involves not only the duration of your entire presentation but also the pacing of individual slides and transitions, as well as the timing of your verbal delivery in relation to your visual aids.

Start by planning your presentation with a clear outline that includes estimated times for each section. This helps you allocate time appropriately, ensuring that you spend enough time on important points without rushing or dragging through less critical content. For example, if you have a 30-minute slot, break it down into an introduction (5 minutes), main content (20 minutes), and conclusion (5 minutes). This structure helps maintain a steady flow and keeps your audience engaged.

Rehearse your presentation multiple times to get a feel for the timing. Practicing out loud helps you gauge the natural rhythm and pacing of your speech. Use a timer to track how long each section takes and adjust as necessary to stay within your allotted time. This practice also helps you identify any sections that may need to be shortened or expanded.

Synchronize your verbal delivery with your slides. Ensure that your speech and the visual content on your slides are well-coordinated. Avoid reading directly from your slides; instead, use them as visual cues to support your narrative. For instance, if a slide contains a chart, spend a moment explaining the significance of the data before moving on. This approach keeps your audience focused on the current slide and enhances their understanding.

Implement smooth transitions between slides and sections to maintain momentum. Abrupt changes can be jarring and disrupt the flow of your presentation. Use transitions to signal shifts in topics or themes, giving your audience a moment to process the previous information before introducing new content. For example, a brief pause and a simple transition effect can help indicate a move from discussing problems to presenting solutions.

Engage with your audience by incorporating pauses for questions or interactive elements. This interaction not only breaks the monotony but also provides valuable feedback and keeps your audience actively involved. Plan specific moments to invite questions or conduct quick polls to ensure you stay on track while allowing for engagement.

Adjust your pacing based on audience feedback. Pay attention to your audience’s reactions and body language. If they seem confused or disengaged, it might be necessary to slow down or clarify certain points. Conversely, if they appear impatient or distracted, you might need to quicken your pace to maintain their interest. Flexibility and responsiveness to your audience’s needs are key components of effective timing.

how to make a good powerpoint
Surface / Unsplash

Use a countdown timer or presenter view to keep track of your progress during the presentation. PowerPoint’s presenter view offers a built-in timer that can help you stay on schedule without constantly checking your watch or phone. This feature allows you to focus on your delivery while ensuring you don’t exceed your time limit.

Creating a compelling and effective PowerPoint presentation is a blend of art and strategy, one that requires attention to detail, creativity, and a clear understanding of your audience. By implementing these PowerPoint tricks, you now know how to make a good PowerPoint that captivates and engages. From using high-quality visuals and keeping your slides uncluttered, to leveraging storytelling techniques and practicing good timing, these tips are designed to elevate your presentation game.

Remember, mastering how to make a good PowerPoint presentation is not just about aesthetics but also about delivering your message with impact. As digital nomads and remote workers, managing multiple projects simultaneously can be challenging. A well-crafted PowerPoint can streamline communication, making your meetings more efficient and your pitches more persuasive.

So, how do you plan to incorporate these PowerPoint presentation tips into your next project? Have you tried any of these techniques before, or do you have other PowerPoint tricks up your sleeve? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below. Let’s create a community of skilled presenters who know how to make a good PowerPoint that stands out in any virtual or physical room.

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